Archive for September 21, 2010

Cowen, Tyler. “Can the Fed Offer A Reason to Cheer?” The New York Times 19 Sept. 2010: 5. Print.

In his article apart of the Sundays New York Times, Tyler states that Americans have lost their confidence in the United States economy and rather than to spend more money are cutting back alot and barely spending any which in turn is not helping the financial crisis of America in any way. Tyler expresses his argument by trying to increase the knowledge in us about the current situation so we can turn it around and quick before we dig ourselves to deep into a hole where we cant get ourselves out. Cowen tells us about the issue we are facing by showing us how the decrease in people spending money is affecting the economy. Also describes the problem by explaining how when the Gov.. gave money to the citizens to spend more and in turn they saved it because of the financial problems actually ended up hurting the economy even more. Tyler assumes that his readers are the everyday americans may they be businessmen or just stay at home moms, in all just everyone that was affected by the economies financial issue.